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Vin et tradition, Hospices de Beaune
Charity & Tradition
The Wine Auction of the Hospices de Beaune: Charity and Tradition

Would Beaune have acquired such fame without the Wine Auction at the Hospices?

That is indeed a good question.

This age-old tradition has definitely contributed to making these wines known well beyond the limits of the region.

Several hundreds of buyers from all over the world take part each year, on the third Sunday of November, in one of the most important auctions in the world.

Far from being a "plain" auction, the sales of the wines from the Hospices de Beaune is also, and mainly, a leading charity event.

Ventes des vins des Hospices Civils de Beaune sur Internet


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The Hôtel-Dieu is the basis of the institution; it no longer receives sick persons. They are now cared for in four different sites, located in different parts of the town.

The Centre Hospitalier Philippe le Bon, inaugurated in April 1971, is the main center for the sick. With a capacity of 224 beds, it disposes of ultra-modern equipment: in 1989 the hospital purchased a scanner, financed by the proceeds of the wine auctions and the entrance fees to visit the Hôtel-Dieu. All medical disciplines are represented in this outstanding structure.

The Nicolas Rolin Center, created in 1984, is specialized in caring for dependent old people (90 persons on long stay) and in rehabilitation (30 beds).

The homes of the Hôtel-Dieu and of the Charité together can receive 174 residents.

Another building contiguous to the Charité is the main center for child support. Children in need of special psychological guidance are cared for there.

The IFSI (Nursing School) and the Nursing Auxiliary School train those who have decided to devote their lives to the sick, thus keeping the memory of the hospital nuns alive.

Finally, since 1993, the Hospices direction has created and developed a medical care branch for the poorest persons. Located in the middle of the town, this dispensary has the mission to give dignity and hope to the poor in order to prevent a total break with the rest of the society.

Times are changing, but the spirit of Nicolas Rolin remains, as alive as ever: faithful to their initial mission to assist the indigent and the sick, the Hospices de Beaune ensure the financing of the charity organizations themselves. The income comes from the auctions of prestigious wines, but also from the ever increasing numbers of tourists attracted by the Hôtel-Dieu.

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